(Originally published in the Autumn 2013 issue of Esquire magazine.) [Update: Oct. 14 – The deal to sell CFR Marfa collapses after time runs out and […]
(Originally published in the Summer 2013 issue of Esquire magazine.) It’s not easy to make bankers look good these days. We’re still not finished cleaning up […]
Allow me to revisit my short comment from the other day about Romania Libera’s interview with President Basescu. [Read the interview here.] It seems that based […]
(Originally published March 5, 2013, in Dilema Veche, here.) “I don’t know. But let me tell you.” I met my Romanian friend Remus for a drink the other […]
The creation of a successful logo is a mix of skill, luck, talent, intuition, and hard work. The most important rule, of course, (for almost anything) […]
(Originally published Feb. 22, 2013, in Dilema Veche, here.) “They can’t do that to us!” My Romanian friend Remus called me the other day. He was upset. Very, […]
(Originally published Feb. 14, 2013, in Dilema Veche, here.) A long time ago, one of my best friends went to prison. He was caught doing something illegal involving […]