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July 13, 2014

Confessions of a Former Current Ex-Banker

(Originally published in the Spring issue of Esquire magazine.) I am a banker. No, hold it. I mean, I was a banker.  Or rather, I worked […]
December 18, 2013

Oh, this is not the way I wanted to start my Christmas

Ooops. It seems I was mistaken yesterday when I wrote that short item on Facebook about the brains behind F64’s successful PR stunt a few days […]
April 5, 2013

Corporate Social Irresponsibility

Because since this happened, I can’t shake the ugly feeling that this disgusting and ignorant campaign has created in me. Yes, it got my attention. That’s for sure. And now I find there is something about the brand Sensiblu that resonates in me with unease. Now when I see their signs and commercials, lying and trickery are the first words in my head. Yep, that got my attention. It certainly did. And you did change my attitude. And now you know what it is? I don't want to shop there. To put it simply: Sensiblu, you owe us all an apology.