I n 2015, my first book was published in Romania by Editura Humanitas, M-am săturat să fiu prost: incursiune în gândirea critică pentru oameni de afaceri şi nu numai, or with the English title, How To Be A Lot Less Stupid: A Journey in Critical Thinking for Business. (A few excerpts, here.)
S ometime, I hope to have a cookbook of classic American recipes, compiled and written by my daughter Hannah and me published in both Romanian and English. It contains about 100 recipes of common American dishes – the kinds you typically find made at home, in a diner, from a can, or out of a box. All of them (including bagels, real New York pizza, barbecue sauces, Thanksgiving dinner, pecan pie) bring a bit of the US to Romania, where ingredients and flavors can sometimes be a challenge. But we explain all that. (A little introduction, here.)