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December 18, 2013

Running Off the Rails: The Sale of CFR Marfa

(Originally published in the Autumn 2013 issue of Esquire magazine.) [Update: Oct. 14 –  The deal to sell CFR Marfa collapses after time runs out and […]
March 7, 2013

How I Know I’m Not in New York (Part 4)

(Originally published March 5, 2013, in Dilema Veche, here.) “I don’t know. But let me tell you.” I met my Romanian friend Remus for a drink the other […]
March 4, 2013

Little Lessons on Logos

The creation of a successful logo is a mix of skill, luck, talent, intuition, and hard work. The most important rule, of course, (for almost anything) […]
February 28, 2013

How I Know I’m Not in New York (Part 3)

(Originally published Feb. 22, 2013, in Dilema Veche, here.) “They can’t do that to us!” My Romanian friend Remus called me the other day. He was upset. Very, […]
February 21, 2013

The Forgotten Legacy

(Originally published Feb. 14, 2013, in Dilema Veche, here.) A long time ago, one of my best friends went to prison. He was caught doing something illegal involving […]
August 23, 2012

Wanted: A Political Strategy

(Originally published Aug. 23, 2012, in Dilema Veche, here.) Given the tone of political conversation in Romania these past several weeks, clearly there is no need anymore […]
July 14, 2012

The Business of Politics

(Originally published July 14, 2012, in Capital, here.) Politics in a democracy is like business in a free market. The winners in the end are the ones […]