Peter Frank

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February 13, 2013

I’d Like a Time Machine, Please

I want a time machine. Yes, maybe someday I will use it to become rich. But right now, I want it for something much more satisfying. […]
February 7, 2013

How I Know I’m Not in New York (Part 1)

“Yes, the food is cold.” Like a power-saving bulb that takes a while to light up, I have only recently realized the similarities of countless conversations […]
February 4, 2013

Hey, You! Eat Here!

(Originally published Jan. 28, 2013, in Capital, here.) A new restaurant opened recently in my residential neighborhood. It’s not a bad-looking restaurant. In fact, it’s rather fancy. It […]
August 23, 2012

Wanted: A Political Strategy

(Originally published Aug. 23, 2012, in Dilema Veche, here.) Given the tone of political conversation in Romania these past several weeks, clearly there is no need anymore […]
August 12, 2012

A Wasted Crisis

(Originally published Aug. 12, 2012, in Capital, here.) I’m finally convinced that businesses here have wasted a perfectly good crisis. What a shame. I walked into […]
August 1, 2012

A Confusing Ride Along the Path of a Product

(Originally published in August 2012 issue of  Lafferty Cards & Payments Insights.) There is a traffic circle (or “round-about” if you’re from England) along one of […]
July 14, 2012

The Business of Politics

(Originally published July 14, 2012, in Capital, here.) Politics in a democracy is like business in a free market. The winners in the end are the ones […]
July 12, 2012


(Originally published July 12, 2012, in Dilema Veche, here.) Here’s a disturbing thought: Romania’s Prime Minister is accused of having committed an egregious and truly indefensible […]